Bryan Cranston Rumored for ‘Breaking Bad’ Sequel Movie

Walter White star Bryan Cranston is rumored to rejoin co-star Aaron Paul in the Breaking Bad [...]

Walter White star Bryan Cranston is rumored to rejoin co-star Aaron Paul in the Breaking Bad movie, THR reports.

The two-hour sequel to the Vince Gilligan-created series is said to center around Paul's former meth cook and Heisenberg protégé Jesse Pinkman, who was last seen in the series finale racing away from the blood-soaked and bullet-riddled compound of Jack Welker (Michael Bowen).

Cranston's high school teacher-turned-drug-lord appeared to take his final breath in the closing moments of Breaking Bad's fifth and final season, succumbing to an injury sustained as result of a ricochet fired by a creation of Walt's own genius.

The actor has since declared Walter White is still dead, teasing NBC's Today, "What? Are they gonna show me on a slab or something? That's not exciting."

Both Breaking Bad and prequel-slash-sequel series Better Call Saul play freely with time and nonlinear narratives, which would allow the untitled movie to take place after Breaking Bad and incorporate flashbacks with a still-living Walter White.

While Cranston noted he has "no idea" what shape the movie will take, he has long expressed his interest in returning to the role. Of revisiting Walter White in the project, Cranston said, "I'd love to do a Breaking Bad movie."

Asked about the film during a November 7 visit to The Dan Patrick Show, Cranston said he has yet to receive or read a script and admitted "there's a question of whether or not we will even see Walter White in this movie."

Cranston added he would "absolutely" return if tapped by Gilligan.

"He's a genius, and it's a great story," he said. "And there's a lot of people who felt that they wanted to see some kind of completion to some of these storylines that were left open. And this idea, from what I'm told, gets into those, at least, a couple of the characters who were not completed as far as their journey."

Cranston, again reiterating he knows nothing about the movie when speaking with the Albuquerque Journal, said only he would like to see Jesse truly break free from the grip Walt had on his former student and find the happiness denied him following the deaths of lovers Jane (Krysten Ritter) and Andrea (Emily Rios).

"I think Vince ended the series the way it was best. Walter White had to die. He was the person that brought upon all this disaster and decay. And Jesse Pinkman was almost kind of an innocent bystander to it, and paid the price for that," Cranston said.

"I would like to see — and again I have no idea if this is what [Vince is] thinking about — I would like to see [Jesse] struggle to break that mold and eventually break out and find his own real true calling. Something that empowered him as a human being, that is on the straight and narrow, that allows him to be able to open up, to let another human being into his life. And be happy. 'Cause I don't sense that he was really ever happy."

Sony Pictures TV's Breaking Bad movie is the latest major project on the docket for AMC, who previously announced its AMC Studios will back a trilogy of Walking Dead television movies starring Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes following his departure from the mothership series earlier this month.

"It's hard to get attention for anything, so when you have a title that bears meaning because it's connected to a franchise or meaningful IP, why wouldn't you want to take advantage of it?" AMC's head of programming David Madden told THR of expanding hit television series with movies.

An air date for the untitled Breaking Bad movie has yet to be announced.