
The Flash Movie Filming Halted After Accident Involving Batman On Batcycle

DC’s The Flash movie has had to halt its production, following a reported accident involving […]

DC’s The Flash movie has had to halt its production, following a reported accident involving Batman riding the Batcycle. The Flash has been filming over in Glasgow, UK, where the film recently made headlines as DC fans took interest in a sequence of Batman riding through the streets on a new version of the Batcycle. It has been heavily speculated that director Andy Muschietti is filming a sequence involving Ben Affleck’s Batman; today’s accident reportedly happened as a camera operator on a motorcycle was shooting the Batcylcle rider from the rear while both were in motion until the cameraman collided with the Batcycle from the rear and rolled under it.

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According to Glasgow Live:

Reports suggest the camera operator was on a motorcycle shooting Batman from behind while travelling at speed down Renfield Street, before he collided with the stunt double and went under the Batcycle…

One eyewitness told Glasgow Live: “The camera man on a bike was chasing the Batman motorbike and went under it”.

The eyewitness also informed us that the crew clapped as the ambulance then left the scene, suggesting the crew member was taken to hospital.

No details have been given on the extent of the crew member’s injuries; no statement from Warner Bros. or the crew of The Flash has been released yet (at the time of writing this). Subsequently, no official details on how long The Flash will delay production have been announced, either.

Batman has become an integral part of this upcoming Flash movie, which is being used as the primary vehicle for soft-rebooting Warner Bros.’ entire DC franchise concept. The story of The Flash will catch up with Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen/The Flash after the events of Justice League, as the superhero speedster makes a drastic, universe-breaking decision: rewrite the tragic events of his own past, by saving his mother Nora from being murdered, and his father Henry from being wrongfully imprisoned for the crime. However, like in the famous “Flashpoint” comic storyline, Barry’s timeline-bending act will create a whole new reality for the DC Movie Universe. Part of the split in reality will be expressed by the presence of two distinctly different versions of Batman: the Justice League Batman played by Ben Affleck, and an older Batman Barry meets in the new reality he creates, played by Batman ’89 star Michael Keaton.

Many fans expect The Flash to be the official last time we see Ben Affleck as Batman, before the events of the film reboot the DC Movie Multiverse with new versions of the Dark Knight – including Robert Pattinson’s Batman, in his own standalone movie universe.

The Flash is set to be in theaters on November 4, 2022.