New Amazing Spider-Man Photos Show Lizard's Lab Coat, Claws

In a pair of new photos released last night by Sony, fans got a couple of good looks at The [...]

In a pair of new photos released last night by Sony, fans got a couple of good looks at The Lizard, the villain of The Amazing Spider-Man, showing off his claws and his white labcoat--a look that comic book fans are used to but which hadn't yet appeared in any of the film's promotional images. In addition to the anticipated first look at Lizard in his labcoat, fans get a look at Peter Parker's camera--something that perhaps they didn't expect to play a major role after the announcement last year that J.K. Simmons wouldn't reprise his role as J. Jonah Jameson  because the movie would shift the focus away from the Daily Bugle and keep Peter more firmly set in high school. The two images appear from lighting and background to be taking place during the same

scene, suggesting that whatever happens to this hapless supporting character may be captured by Peter's camera. Will hidden cameras taking pictures of Spider-Man and The Lizard turn out to be the thing that puts Peter on the newspaper staff in the sequel? And was this the scene reportedly written by the guy from Bridesmaids? So many questions.