Fans Call Out Razzies Nominations for Being "Repulsive" and "Mean-Spirited"
The razzies are already mean-spirited & classless, but to nominate a kid is just repulsive & wrong. Why put a kid at risk of increased bullying or worse? Be better.
— Julian Hilliard (@_JulianHilliard) January 23, 2023
We're picking on 12 year old girls now, Razzies? Cool cool cool.
— Bill Brasky (@BillBrasky2620) January 23, 2023
Don't Pretend
The Razzies don't get to pretend to care about women when they nominated Shelly Duvall for The Shining and just last year awarded Kate Hudson and Maddie Ziegler for performances that were not their fault.
— Gabriel Goes to Sundance (online) (@cambregabriel19) January 23, 2023
Generally Awful
The Razzies are generally awful but they always come through with the Worst Screen Couple category. Never more so than the second Blonde nomination here.
— Lillian Crawford (@lillcrawf) January 23, 2023
Razzies Suck
Razzies suck and are not worth giving any serious thought. Nowhere is their uselessness more clear than the annual Worst Screen Couple award, where the most creative minds of the Razzies attempt some gut-busting zingers.
— Dan 'Snow Western' Simpson (@danpgsimpson) January 23, 2023
Not Funny
the razzies are a joke and not the funny kind
— Spiral Into Madness Rob (@SenorWoberto) January 23, 2023