Amazing Spider-Man Debuts New Poster Before Avengers

In advance of this weekend's release of The Avengers, before which The Amazing Spider-Man will run [...]

In advance of this weekend's release of The Avengers, before which The Amazing Spider-Man will run a brand-new trailer, Sony has debuted a new movie poster for the anticipated Spider-reboot at their Facebook page. This comes on the heels of The Dark Knight Rises releasing its trailer early, after news broke a little over a week ago that it too would screen its final full-length trailer with The Avengers. We may see a trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man sooner than later, since Sony typically releases promotional trailers a little earlier than the film's release, where Warner Brothers (the studio behind The Dark Knight Rises) generally wait until the Monday after its theatrical debut. The Amazing Spider-Man will be in theaters on July 4 weekend.