Batman v Superman Passes $530 Million in Global Box Office

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice continues to perform well at the box office around the world, [...]

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice continues to perform well at the box office around the world, with an additional $28 million from foreign markets on Wednesday. That brings the total as of Thursday morning to $530.4 million globally in its first week, leading analysts to now think the film may reach or surpass $1 billion worldwide before leaving theaters.

The $329.1 million in international markets is keeping the pace nicely with the domestic market, where the film passed $200 million in its sixth day in theaters yesterday.

With no major releases this coming weekend, BvS should have an easy time keeping first place in theaters, with somewhere around $60 million expected on the weekend. This continuing box office success flies in the face of the critical response, which was largely negative. As the Joker wrote on Robin's costume, "HA HA HA JOKE'S ON YOU."

BvS Giveaway Rules

Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet? If so, go rate it in the Movie Database for a chance to win your very own Armored Batman figure!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.