Batman v Superman Receiving Positive Social Media Reaction

, the social media conversation about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been more positive [...]

(Photo: Warner Bros.)

Apparently Fizziology, a social media tracking service, doesn't follow comicbook writers Dan Slott and Mark Waid on twitter.

Despite poor critical response (a 29% "Rotten" rating on, the social media conversation about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been more positive than negative by a considerable margin. 57% has been positive, 33% Neutral, and 10% has been negative, so fans of the movie, the next time someone tells you everyone hates it? Well, you now have statistics to go against that.

The percentages are in-line with Furious 7 and Avengers: Age of Ultron, Variety reports, though those films had considerably better critical responses. Fizziology founder Ben Carlson said, "I've never seen this kind of disconnect between critical reaction and fan reaction. A lot of the conversation was about how the reviews were wrong." He mentioned that Wonder Woman and Ben Affleck's take on Batman were two of the most talked-about elements of the film in the positive tweets.

Batman v Superman earned $209 million domestically and passed $538 million globally in its first week of release, and with no major new releases for the coming weekend, it's expected to handily win week two as well.

BvS Giveaway Rules

Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet? If so, go rate it in the Movie Database for a chance to win your very own Armored Batman figure!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.