Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill Discuss the Batman and Superman Casting Phone Calls

.'Honestly, the first thing I thought was, 'well wait a minute - that's not;' I was thinking of [...]

(Photo: Warner Bros.)

While on Conan Thursday night for the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice focused episode, stars Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill went back to the very beginning of their journeys: the casting phone call. After Conan asked what that phone call was like, Ben Affleck chimed in first (after a deep breath).

"Honestly, the first thing I thought was, 'well wait a minute - that's not;' I was thinking of them doing sort of the origin story, the new Batman, he comes out, rediscovers himself, he wants to avenge his parents' death, he fights a supervillain... I thought 'that's not me. I'm not that Batman,'" Affleck explained. "[Director] Zack [Snyder] was like, 'no no no, this guy, he's older, and he's really f***ed up, and he's broken down, and he's on the edge of moral bankruptcy!' So I said, 'Well, I'm clearly your man!'" he said with a laugh.

He gave credit to Frank Miller, saying, "That's what got me really excited, that it was that Dark Knight Returns version of the character. He's more broken down, he's a brawler, a heavy weight boxer in the 12th round, torn up and at wit's end."

As for Henry Cavill, when he first got the call, he says, "I actually missed it. I was playing World of Warcraft at the time; I had my priorities straight." When Conan pressed, he said, "Yeah, i was like, 'I'll get that later' [when the phone rang]. I was in an important part of the particular dungeon I was going through, and it's cool, now that I'm Superman. I looked across at the last moment and saw Zack Snyder's name on the phone, and reached across and missed it. So I called him back right away and said, 'I'm really sorry, I was saving someone's life.' Then he gave me the news!"

So there you have it, Ben Affleck liked that his character would be "f***ed up," and Henry Cavill was sitting in his pajamas playing World of Warcraft. Fandom: it can happen to you.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.