A couple days ago, Marvel Studios officially announced that David Tennant, who is best known for playing The Tenth Doctor on BBC’s science-fiction television series Doctor Who, has been cast as Zebediah Killgrave (aka The Purple Man) in Netflix’s AKA Jessica Jones. Radio Times spoke with the Scottish actor about joining the Marvel universe.
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“I grew up on Marvel comics, so it’s very exciting to be part of their ever expanding entertainment empire,” Tennant told Radio Times at their Covers Party. “It’s great. I love the movies, I love the TV shows, so I’m very pleased to be part of one. I grew up an absolute devotee to the worlds of Marvel, so the fact that they’ve expanded now into TV and film is a fact that I fantasised about when I was younger. So now to be part of it, to be on the other side of it is a thrill.”
In the comics, The Purple Man wielded his mind control powers to turn Jessica Jones’ life upside-down. He used his abilities to abduct her and make her believe at times that she was in love with him. He would also make her use her abilities to attack those that she most cared about. But if you think Tennant is going to reveal just how sinister his character will be, you’d be wrong. “Who says it’s a villain?,” he replied. “Make no assumptions. I’m saying nothing … I’ve found myself in another world which I can answer no questions about.”
You can watch the interview in the video below.
A.K.A. Jessica Jones: Working as a private investigator in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen, a troubled ex-superhero’s past comes back to haunt her in the live-action series, “Marvel’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones.” Coming 2015
via: CBM