DC Entertainment Previews Wonder Woman Statue In New Video

DC Collectibles has unveiled the latest statue in their DC Comics Cover Girls line, Wonder [...]

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DC Collectibles has unveiled the latest statue in their DC Comics Cover Girls line, Wonder Woman.

Sculpted by Jake Mathews, the Wonder Woman statue features the Princess of Themyscira  in her New 52 uniform. The sculpt is based off of a design by DC Comics artist Stanley "Artgerm" Lau, whose past comic credits include covers for Birds of Prey, Batgirl, and more. Lau has provided the designs for many characters in the DC Comics Cover Girls line, including Starfire, Huntress, Batgirl, Poison Ivy, and more. 

You can check out DC Collectibles' debut video below, which gives a good look at the statue in a full 360 degree view. 

The Wonder Woman statue hits comic shops in July.