Deadpool Star Ryan Reynolds: I Would Have Leaked Test Footage If I Knew It Would Make the Movie Happen

Even with Green Lantern, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Blade: Trinity on his resume, comic book [...]


Even with Green LanternX-Men Origins: Wolverine and Blade: Trinity on his resume, comic book fans are excited to see Ryan Reynolds play Deadpool again in Deadpool, a film that promises the Merc With a Mouth some more dignified treatment than the aforementioned Wolverine movie.

Reynolds, apparently anticipating a sneak Deadpool attack, shared his feelings on the film with MTV.

"It's been a long time, and it's happening the right way and that's all that matters," Reynolds said. "We don't have the kind of money that most superhero movies do but that's great. Necessity is the mother of invention and that's why we get to make the kind of movie we want to make."

Asked about his track record, and in particular Green Lantern, he said, "You've got to just have faith in the people you're working with and have faith in the prep. That's all I'm doing; on this one, the prep's been eleven years."

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He also joked that while he didn't leak the test footage that drove a fervor to get the movie made, "I would have -- in a heartbeat! Maybe I should scan the ol' hard drive and see what I've got in there."

Deadpool begins filming soon for a release February 12, 2016.