Guardians Of The Galaxy Director James Gunn Reveals Root, The Father Of Groot

With Guardians of the Galaxy the highest-grossing film of the year so far, director James Gunn [...]

Root, Father of Groot

With Guardians of the Galaxy the highest-grossing film of the year so far, director James Gunn continues to interact with fans and promote the film via social media. One of Gunn's recent social media posts highlighted a rather unusual video that features a character claiming to be Root, the father of Groot. Here's what Gunn had to say.

The cast and I were doing press in London. We each had a room we'd sit in with an empty chair facing us, and two cameras on either side. One reporter after the other would enter and sit in the empty chair asking us, essentially, the same questions over and over, for hours on end. And this is after already doing many days of this in Singapore, Los Angeles, and San Francisco (I'm not complaining here, I could be shoveling coal - but it does get repetitive, and we were definitely jet-lagged). At the end of the day, this weird dude came in, claiming to be 'Root, the father of Groot,' and half brightened our day/half freaked us out. Whatever the case, this is pretty fun.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on July 28, 2017.