How Large Or Small Is Aquaman's Role In Batman V. Superman?

With so many characters rumored to appear in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, it's easy to [...]


With so many characters rumored to appear in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, it's easy to assume that many of them will be glorified cameos, appearances made only to grease the wheels for Justice League.

That's what Devin Faraci of Badass Digest claims:

"As of the shooting script Aquaman is barely even present, showing up only in a survey of metahumans by Lex Luthor and then again at the very ending, when Batman recruits him for the Justice League."

...And it gels pretty perfectly with what we've been hearing about the movie for some time, both from Faraci (who has been pretty free with details of what he's read for a while now) and from our own sources.

Faraci's report acknowledges the possibility that Aquaman and The Flash both could have somewhat larger roles in the final cut of the film, since along the way Justice League was made official, but not only does he seem to doubt it -- so do we. While they could theoretically have shot something in secret or be adding more of the characters in post-production, a large role would likely have required them to show up during principal photography at some point. As far as we know, that either didn't happen or was small and short term enough to be missed by the dozens of set spies and production moles that have leaked everything they could to the press.

Being listed in a "survey of metahumans" is an interesting place for him to pop up; we've known that Aquaman is not the King of Atlantis at the start of the film, a journey that will likely take him through his solo film, but little about what his actual status quo is.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hits U.S. theaters in March 2016.