Hugh Jackman & Patrick Stewart To Explore Father/Son Relationship In Wolverine 3

While word is Sir Patrick Stewart won't be appearing in X-Men: Apocalypse, his role in the [...]

While word is Sir Patrick Stewart won't be appearing in X-Men: Apocalypse, his role in the as-yet-untitled Wolverine sequel will be more significant than previously expected, with the film exploring the father/son dynamic between Professor Charles Xavier and Wolverine.

"I'll be really honest with you, the actual script in its full form we're up to about Page 60," Jackman told Collider during the Pan junket. "Obviously there's a treatment, so it's not fully done yet, we're not fully there. Patrick does figure in it that's for sure. I think it's a really important relationship but I want to see signs of that quasi-father/son sort of relationship that has not been seen before, and sides of particularly Professor X that have not been seen before. So we have some really, really cool ideas."

He added that the plan is to start shooting next year, so presumably that sixty pages will be doubling up or so sometime soon.

Jackman will next be seen in a still-untitled Wolverine solo film expected to be his last. Most of the buzz around the film so far indicates that it will be based on the Old Man Logan story from the comics.

Hugh Jackman will pop his claws one last time when the sequel hits theaters on March 3, 2017.