Jimmy Fallon Reviews Man Of Steel: It’s Fantastic

On Thursday’s Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Man Of Steel’s Christopher Meloni was a guest. [...]

Jimmy Fallon Reviews Man Of Steel

On Thursday's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Man Of Steel's Christopher Meloni was a guest. After chatting with Meloni, Jimmy Fallon offered up his own mini-review of the Man Of Steel. Jimmy Fallon said, "Christopher Meloni, I've got to tell you, I saw Man Of Steel, blown away. This guy, Zack Snyder, this movie's insane. Visually it's insane. I don't know how you did this. I don't know how you pulled it off." Christopher Meloni agreed, "I don't know how they did it either, except to say, I've got to tell you, you've got to see this movie. This is how you'll watch this movie [eyes and mouth wide open]. You won't believe it. It's a new generation of how to make an action film." Jimmy Fallon added, "I was like I don't know if they were actually there, because things were blowing up and breaking. I didn't know what was real and what's computer generated." Jimmy Fallon continued, "It's insane, and also it's Superman. So you go like, 'How are you going to reinvent this thing?' We all know Superman. And they did it. I've got to say it's fantastic. I'm so happy for you. Have you heard that the tickets already are outselling…it doesn't come out for two weeks right…and the tickets are already outselling what's coming out this week."