Man Of Steel: Russell Crowe Says Henry Cavill Is Highest Caliber Actor To Ever Play Superman

With the official release date of Man Of Steel growing closer, members of the cast and crew are [...]

Henry Cavill Man Of Steel Shoulders

With the official release date of Man Of Steel growing closer, members of the cast and crew are doing the interview circuit. Since Henry Cavill plays the central role in the movie, a lot of the ultimate success or failure of the movie will rest on his shoulders. According to his fellow cast members, Henry Cavill evidently did an exceptional job playing Superman. In an interview with eTalk, Russell Crowe even went as far as to say, "I was very impressed with him on a daily basis, his discipline, his commitment. He is quite frankly I believe the highest caliber actor to ever actually play this role." Michael Shannon had similar high praise for Henry Cavill. Michael Shannon said, "He works his butt off, and he never complained once about anything. I don't think anybody would have worked harder. I don't think it's possible." The Man Of Steel is scheduled to be released in movie theaters in the United States on June 14, 2013.