Man Of Steel Ties Into Religious Sermons

When watching the Man Of Steel trailer, it's not difficult to pick up on several parallels to [...]

Man Of Steel Religious Sermons

When watching the Man Of Steel trailer, it's not difficult to pick up on several parallels to religious teachings. Superman himself has often been compared to being a Christ-like figure. With that in mind, Warner Bros. has teamed up with to create a pastor resource site for the Man Of Steel movie. The site located at provides videos, sermon outlines, and images that pastors can use in sermons to their congregations. The site even offers a listing of free pastor screenings of the Man Of Steel by city. According to the "Jesus - The Original Superhero" sermon outline on the site, "Superman's mythical origins are rooted in the timeless reality of a spiritual superhero who also lived a modest life until extraordinary times required a supernatural response." Here's a brief excerpt from the Man Of Steel sermon notes. "He was sent by his father on a life-saving mission to earth. Raised in the heartland, by God-fearing parents, Clark Kent kept his extraordinary gifts under wraps until it was time to intervene." The sermon notes also point out that Superman was created by Jerry Siegel and Joel Shuster, who tapped into their Jewish roots to give him a majestic name.