Mark Millar Thinks Fantastic Four Is In Good Hands With Josh Trank

Mark Millar, creator of Kick-Ass and Wanted, was hired by 20th Century Fox in 2012 to serve as a [...]


Mark Millar, creator of Kick-Ass and Wanted, was hired by 20th Century Fox in 2012 to serve as a consultant for their movies based on Marvel Comics. He's currently doing press for Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman: The Secret Service and Sky Movies took the opportunity to ask him about Fox's upcoming film, Fantastic Four.

You can watch the video or read the transcript below.

"Josh Trank the guy who is directing it, is a really smart guy. He and I spent a wee bit of time together when I was first doing this job, about a year and a half ago. And, what I think Fox is doing is very clever. They'll get a great director on board. Like, a lot of people trust the character and just think this brand is going to be fine. But you can't trust the brand because the brand can be done badly, you know. But if you get a good director that is the cornerstone you build everything on. And with Bryan Singer doing the X-Men or James Mangold doing The Wolverine, Josh Trank doing Fantastic Four - it all feels in very good hands. It all comes down to the director. It's the same characters in all of these movie but the work stands or falls based on the director, and Josh is fantastic! What he is going to do is unlike I think what anybody would be anticipating. There is a cut kicking around but I haven't seen it yet. So, I'm expecting big things." - Mark Millar                               

Fantastic Four will land in theaters August 7, 2015.