Star Wars Episode VII Rumor: Is Brave Co-Director Brenda Chapman Involved?

One of the things that's happened a lot in recent years is that when there's a major franchise [...]

Brace Cosplay

One of the things that's happened a lot in recent years is that when there's a major franchise film in need of a director, a segment of the Internet suggests Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight), Kimberly Peirce (Stop-Loss) and Patty Jenkins (Monster), with the idea being that there aren't enough female filmmakers working on these massive tentpole movies, and that these women have shown the ability to do so. Brenda Chapman, one of the co-directors of Pixar's Brave, has quietly become a dark horse candidate to direct Star Wars Episode VII--so quietly that we hadn't heard it until Bleeding Cool put together a number of seemingly-unrelated clues earlier today. Chapman, who left Pixar for Lucasfilm a while back in what industry analysts saw as a fairly perplexing move (similar to the way most people viewed Kathleen Kennedy's move to Lucasfilm prior to the Disney announcement), tweeted a link to a story about the new Star Wars, asking her followers for feedback. "What are your suggestions?" She asked, and of course got a fair number of responses. Those responses will likely grow now that the Bleeding Cool story has called attention to the tweet, and to a cryptic response that throws a bit of fuel on the first that Chapman may be one of those final couple of names being considered for the Star Wars job. "I'd like you to direct it," one fan tweeted. "Star Wars needs a talented animation director as it always felt to me as sort of a animation." Chapman's response? "We will just have to wait and see what happens." Who knew THAT could cause speculation?