The 10 April-Shipping Marvel Comics We're Most Excited For

Big changes are afoot at Marvel Comics this April. With their massive Secret Wars event and [...]

April titles

Big changes are afoot at Marvel Comics this April. With their massive Secret Wars event and Avengers: Age of Ultron hitting next month, Marvel's output will be busy prepping itself for both major events. There's certainly a ton to get excited for, even beyond the venerable Avengers franchise. Some beloved titles end while promising ones launch, the Black Vortex event reaches its grand finale, and some characters reach significant milestones.

Below, we run through the 10 Marvel comics that we can't wait to crack open when they hit shelves this April.

1) Fantastic Four #645

This is it for Marvel's First Family, at least for the foreseeable future. Marvel has been extremely tight-lipped on what their plans for Mr. Fantastic, Sue Storm, The Thing, and The Human Torch are following this finale, but we do know that there won't be another Fantastic Four volume to replace this one. We'll be watching this issue with a close—if teary— eye as Marvel's first team takes a bow before venturing into the unknown.

2) Wolverines #13

The issue promises a big moment in the Logan-less world and the debut of a new special guest, so you can bet that we'll be there for both. Plus, look at that blacked-out cover: That's a Wolverine with eight claws, people. And that hair-style that looks suspiciously familiar, doesn't. While it's doubtful that the one true Wolverine has returned with an upgrade, we're anxious to see who this new player is, and how they'll complicate the battle for Logan's legacy.

3) Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #12

Miles Morales' adventures once again come to an end, apparently with the entire Ultimate Universe in tow. The solicit seem to tease all of Ultimate Marvel's demise, but the publisher's done that plenty of times before, only to relaunch with a new status quo. We wouldn't be surprised if this issue merely sets Miles up for his inclusion in the multi-verse-spanning Secret Wars event, but we still need to see how the current Ultimate Universe closes out. 

4) Uncanny Inhumans #1

The team that killed Wolverine is breathing new life into the Inhumans. Since the first modern Inhumans title didn't make the waves Marvel was hoping for, they're pulling out the big guns with Charles Soule and Steve McNiven. The two did a spectacular job of sending Wolverine off, delivering a tight and engaging mini-event that turned on a dime and delivered somejaw-dropping action. We're hoping the two can conjure the same storytelling magic with Uncanny Inhumans. If the current ongoing failed to catch your attention, this looks like the new place to familiarize yourself with the franchise. Plus, the story features Blackbolt. No other reasoning is necessary. 

5) Kanan: The Last Padawan

Marvel launches their fourth Star Wars title with Kanan, a character pulled from Disney XD's Star Wars Rebels cartoon series. While Marvel's other Star Wars books stay  inside the original trilogy's time-span, Kanan busts free by exploring the mysterious time-span between The Clone Wars and Rebels. As fun as it is seeing the other series tackle our favorite, but established, characters, we're intrigued by Marvel can do with a fresh character that's only been explored nearly as much.

6) Avengers: Ultron Forever

If you need an appetizer for May's Secret Wars event, look no further. While Ultron Forever has nothing to do with the company event (that we know of), it does take a similar concept of mashing Avengers from different eras and dimensions into one adventure. Walt Simonson's bearded Thor alongside the all-new female Thor? Sold. And with comics legend Alan Davis illustrating, we know this will be one fine-looking mini-event.

7) Spider-Woman #6


Wit a new costume and a new direction, Spider-Woman looks like it could be the surprise title of 2015. The series' new down-to-earth approach, which examines what Jessica Drew does on her spare time, follows a successful formula from Hawkeye and Black Widow, two titles that are among Marvel's strongest. Plus, the addition of journalist Ben Urich as a series co-star makes Jessica Drew's new adventures too good of an opportunity to pass. If you're looking for a fun, self-contained superhero romp that's independent of any larger crossovers, Spider-Woman should serve you well.

8) Guardians of the Galaxy & The X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega #1


Marvel's largest cosmic event in years comes to an explosive ending with the Omega #1 one-shot. Though the event doesn't even start until February, we already feel confidant that Black Vortex will be one of Marvel's best storylines in 2015. Seeing tricked-out "Cosmic" versions of the heroes will certainly be a treat, in a fun "Blackest Night" kind of way, and the interactions between the X-Men, Guardians, and other cosmic heroes should be priceless. The icing on this cosmic cake, however, is artist Ed McGuinness, a penciller who can make even the smallest moments feel like wide-screen spectacles.

9) Silver Surfer #11

SILVSURF2014011 Allred

Dan Slott and the Allreds are delivering one of the most magical titles at Marvel right now, and it's a shame that it doesn't get as much recognition as it does. Seriously, every issue feels like an ultra-sophisticated Pixar cartoon, bursting with imagination and playful energy on every page. Issue #11's over-sized story is billed as one that can "only be told through sequential art." The solicit says that we should forget about all other "special" comics we've read in the past, like sideways or silent issues, as Silver Surfer #11 is going to once again reinvent the way that comic book stories can be told. We can't wait to see what genre-defying tricks Slott and Allred pull. And even if they don't reinvent the wheel, we'll still get a highly entertaining story.

10) Deadpool #250

With Wolverine taken care of, Marvel is looking to their next "unkillable" anti-hero for a date with death. Say goodbye to the Merc With A Mouth, as issue #250 marks the series' end. While Deadpool's demise is touted as the issue's main feature, we're also thrilled  to see the character's past creators return for their own final tales. Sure, it's going to cost $10, but the "anniversary issue" also weighs in at 96 pages. That's a pretty solid deal, especially when you consider that there's a story where Deadpool takes the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos. Cosmic chimichangas for everyone! 

What April titles are you excited to read, and why? Let us know in the comments below.