This Fan Created A Classic VHS Cover For Batman V Superman

Pretty rad, right? It's similar to Tim Burton's Batman design where it's the golden bat-symbol on [...]

(Photo: SoenkesAdventure)

Ahh, the lost art of VHS box art.

German artist "SoenkesAdventure" has been doing a few pieces designing VHS covers for contemporary movies like Christopher Nolan's Interstellar and Fight Club.

One of his recent designs is for the upcoming Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

vhs4 by soenkesadventure-d9pitpo
(Photo: Warner Bros/Soenke Shikari)

Pretty rad, right? It's similar to Tim Burton's Batman design where it's the golden bat-symbol on the front and just small blurbs on the back with the credits. It's simple, but quite effective.

Do you think this design could've worked back in the day? What would you have done intead?