This Guardians of the Galaxy/LEGO Movie Mash-Up Sketch Cover Has Its Own (Awesome) Theme Song

Comics artist Dean Trippe was selling a fantastic sketch cover to Guardians of the Galaxy #1 [...]

Comics artist Dean Trippe was selling a fantastic sketch cover to Guardians of the Galaxy #1 on eBay which recasts the Guardians as the cast of The LEGO Movie. You can see a preview above and the full image below.

What's even more -- pardon the expression -- awesome, though? Yeah, he wrote a theme song.

You can check out a look at the process here at Trippe's blog, where he posted the song we can't help but reprint below.

If you don't read this and want to go bid on this cover, I'm not sure you're actually alive.

(You can't, though, since it ended two days ago. This story is just to inform you of the awesome that exists in the universe.)

You're welcome.

Guardians are awesome
Guardians are cool saving the galaxy
Guardians are awesome
When you're hooked on feelings

3, 2, 1. Go

Have you seen previews, a raccoon is talking
Jailed in space 'cause Nova Corps caught me
Lost walkman, that's my personal property
Retro tech from my Earthbound community

I feel more awesome than a tree-man alien
Fuel my body sunlight and oxygen
Reboots happen I'm not a monster and
Pop a couple blossoms, Guardians are awesome

Adopted kid, got green skin blues
Thanos loves death? Well, I'll introduce (Well, I'll introduce)

The MCU looks better with cosmic adventure
Side by side, Groot and I,
Gonna blast forever, let's blast them forever
We're a thief, thug count two, 'sassin's green, and a maniac from WWE

Guardians are awesome
Guardians are cool saving the galaxy
Guardians are awesome
When you're hooked on feelings

Pink skies, 'splodey things
We just named two awesome things
The Nova Corps, Reilly, John C.
Two tickets to awesome?

Rocket's fleas, Groot's allergies,
A thief of space antiquities,
Gamora's pants, Drax owns no vest,
Andy Dwyer is the best

Fondue with Yondu,
Sounds awesome
Glen Close, more cameos,
Too awesome
Bricks, kicks, and sticks,
That's awesome
Green Uhura fights Blue Amy Pond in space,
