Who Dies on Game of Thrones: The Door?

Leading up to last week's episode, I predicted the death of four different characters. While I was [...]

(Photo: HBO)

Leading up to last week's episode, I predicted the death of four different characters. While I was off the mark on three, I at least got one! Osha met her fate at the hands of Ramsay Bolton, and now Rickon is left without a protector. She might have been the only named character to die last week, but episode 5, titled The Door, promises to be a much more violent affair. Who will meet their end this week? Let's think about this one.

I'm still not sold on Melisandre being around much longer. I know, I said I thought she would be killed by Brienne last episode, and that didn't happen. But Brienne did let Melisandre and Davos know she hadn't forgotten what they did. She also admitted to executing Stannis, while fans were unsure until this point whether or not she had actually done it. This conversation also makes me think whether or not Davos is even safe. I don't think the show-runners would have one of the fan favorites take out another fan favorite, but anything is possible.

The life I really fear for this week is Yara Greyjoy. In the preview for the episode, she is seen making a play for the Iron Islands by calling for a vote in her favor. This seems like a normal gesture for someone who's in her position, but she needs to be careful. Let's not forget about the man who pushed Balon Greyjoy off of the bridge a couple of weeks ago. The man is Euron Greyjoy, younger brother to Balon, and he looks to be making a play for the throne as well. We aren't sure what his intentions are, but it's clear he's after some kind of power. He might turn out to be a great ally who just wanted to see Yara take the throne, but my guess is he wants it for himself. If he's willing to kill his own brother, he certainly won't let a little niece in the way.

With the second Red Woman finally appearing down in Mereen, it's safe to say that no one in the city is safe. Between her arrival and the impending war with the Harpies, it's hard to think there won't be bloodshed in the south. Certainly Tyrion and Lord Varys are safe, but Grey Worm and Missandei seem expendable. They're in a unique position as characters because we feel like we know them, and we like them, but they don't need to be around for the story to continue moving. Killing one of them would be a great way to show just how powerful the new Red Priestess is, and make sure we resent her off the bat.

I'm going to make a very, very bold prediction here and say Little Finger needs to watch his back. After pulling strings and causing destruction for the better part of five seasons, it seems that Sansa has had enough of his shit. In the preview, she asks him straight up if he knew about Ramsay, and that answer can't bode too well for him, no matter what he says. Sure, Brienne is there to back Sansa up, but I think she will do the dirty work herself. We started to see the tough side of Sansa last week when she was talking with Jon, and this would be the icing on the cake. The only way I see Petyr talking his way out of this one is by offering his army. When we last saw him in the vale, he had ordered the army to be readied. With their impending invasion of Winterfell, Jon and Sansa need all the help they can get. I can see Sansa about to kill a whimpering Little Finger, when Jon steps in and convinces her that they need him alive if they want to take Winterfell.

Hopefully this week I do better than 25%, but there's no telling with this show. Are there any predictions that you think I got completely wrong? Any I missed? Let me know in the comments below.

The fifth episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones is titled The Door, and it premieres this Sunday night 5/22 at 9PM ET.