A Petition For A Netflix Show Starring Thor And Darryl Has Been Created

At Comic-Con this year, a hilarious short was released that featured Thor in the everyday world. [...]

At Comic-Con this year, a hilarious short was released that featured Thor in the everyday world. He would go to work, e-mail Tony Stark and Captain America, and even volunteer at the local school. But what made it so funny was Thor's roommate, Darryl. It gave it a sense of practicality that is the complete opposite of the lightning God himself. Now, there is a petition to get the short produced into a full-blown TV show for Netflix.

Ty Schmidt created the Change.org petition and simply wanted to see this as an actual show. According to his petition page, Ty went to a comments section and saw someone say, "Can we start a petition for this to be a Netflix Series", and he thought to himself, "I want this to be a thing too."

Fox's Son of Zorn is coming soon and resembles this short a lot, but a real world Thor would be a much welcomed, comedic piece of entertainment. And judging by the YouTube comments on the video, the fans would eat this show up.

Nicely done, Ty. Nicely done.

[H/T Nerdist]