Sony Chief Thinks Online Ghostbusters Haters Are The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened

With all the online vitriol that Ghostbusters has received over the last year, you'd think it [...]

Ghostbusters 2016
(Photo: Colombia Pictures)

With all the online vitriol that Ghostbusters has received over the last year, you'd think it would wear the people at Sony down a bit.

To Sony Chief Tom Rothman however, things couldn't be better. In fact, he wants even more of it. In an interview with THR, Rothman was asked about the online hate campaigns, and how he felt about them.

"It's the greatest thing that ever happened. Are you kidding me? We're in the national debate, thank you. Can we please get some more haters to say stupid things?"

The general feeling towards the much-debated film is a bit more positive lately, in part thanks to some early screenings of the film, including one by fellow Ghostbuster and comedy star Bill Murray. When asked what it needs to make to be considered successful, Rothman didn't give a definitive answer but said things are looking good.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't comment about that. The good news is, you can feel the momentum of the movie. We had a thing last week where Bill Murray, who had just seen the movie, came out and said how great it was. You just could feel the cultural excitement."

He's referring to Murray's comments after the entire cast viewed an early screening, and Murray had nothing but good things to say.

"Danny, Annie, Ernie and I were just screaming and cheering like we were at a sporting event at the end of it. It sort of rumbles along in the beginning, and you're going 'oh God, are they gonna pull this thing off?' Fellow actor Dan Aykroyd also shared some thoughts. "We are really, really happy. These women are really great - oh and by the way, the guys in the movie are just fine, too, there are men and women in the movie!"

Ghostbusters hits theatres on July 15th.