The 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special is notorious for being a train wreck, but if there were a bright spot amidst the disaster, it was the animated sequence that introduced Boba Fett. In a surprising move, Hot Toys has released a sixth-scale Boba Fett figure based on that unfortunate first appearance, and it actually looks very cool.
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The Boba Fett (Animation Version) figure includes blue-and-yellow Mandolorian armor, a twin-pronged electropole, a blaster pistol, and his iconic jetpack. You can add this unique Hot Toys figure to your collection by pre-ordering it here for $235 while supplies last. The full list of features includes:
โข Authentic and detailed likeness of Boba Fett in Star Wars Holiday Special.
โข Finely crafted blue-colored Boba Fett’s Mandolorian helmet with articulated rangefinder
โข Body with over 30 points of articulations
โข Approximately 30cm tall
โข Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
โข One (1) pair of fists
โข One (1) pair of relaxed hands
โข One (1) pair of hands for holding weapons
โข One (1) left hand for holding electropole
โข One (1) Boba Fett blue and yellow color Mandolorian armor
โข One (1) gray flight suit
โข One (1) brown and orange colored cape
โข One (1) blue belt with pouches
โข One (1) brown blaster pistol holster
โข One (1) pair of blue gauntlets
โข One (1) pair of yellow knee guards
โข One (1) pair of blue and gray boots
โข One (1) electropole
โข One (1) blaster pistol
โข One (1) blue and yellow jetpack
โข Hexagonal bounty hunter themed figure stand with Boba Fett’s nameplate