'Star Wars Battlefront II' Sets Up 'The Force Awakens' in a Huge Way

Fans excited about the latest entry in EA's Battlefront series will be excited to learn that the [...]

Fans excited about the latest entry in EA's Battlefront series will be excited to learn that the game's anticipated campaign mode sets up the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in a major way.

The campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II focuses on the elite Stormtroopers known as Inferno Squad after the events of Return of the Jedi, and feed directly into the beginning of the new Star Wars trilogy.

Warning: Spoilers for Star Wars Battlefront II campaign below.

After the death of the Emperor and the destruction of the second Death Star, Imperial forces are scrambling to gain the upper hand in the war against the Rebels while attempting to implement Palpatine's deadly last wish, known as Operation: Cinder.

The initiative has been touched on in other Star Wars media, such as the Aftermath trilogy of novels and the Shattered Empire comic book, but here we get to see some of the more clandestine missions the Emperor wanted completed. Such as the destruction of his secret vault, containing invaluable objects, on a desolate planet called Pillio.

The mission brings Inferno agent Del Meeko into contact with Luke Skywalker, where they are forced to work together in order to survive. Luke leaves the encounter in possession of a compass that likely guides him toward Ahch-To, the sacred Jedi planet where the Jedi Master is hiding in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Decades later, Meeko has abandoned the Empire's cause. He returns to the planet where he met Luke, only to be caught by the First Order led by Kylo Ren.

The former Ben Solo tortures Meeko until the former Inferno agent gives key information: the location of Lor San Tekka and where he took the map to Skywalker.

Meeko eventually reveals that Lor San Tekka took the map to Bayora.

Bayora hasn't yet been revealed in the Star Wars universe, but a new update to the game in December will add three new missions that will follow protagonist Iden Versio as she follows up on these events. We'll likely learn more then.

But this makes Battlefront II an integral part in the build up to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and depends the mystery of Skywalker's disappearance and Kylo Ren's pursuit.

Star Wars Battlefront II releases November 17 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.