New Photo of Dark Luke Skywalker Feels Very Sith-Like

Last week images of darker Luke Skywalker on the cover of a Hungarian magazine surfaced and [...]

Last week images of darker Luke Skywalker on the cover of a Hungarian magazine surfaced and sparked speculation that Luke might find himself between the Light side and Dark side. Now a second image has Luke looking more Sith-like than ever.

As reported by Cosmic Book News The latest image comes from the new issue of Empire Magazine and shows Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker clad in shades of black. While Luke notably wore all black in Return of the Jedi and this new dark attire may be simpler than that of Kylo Ren, Dark Luke calls up some serious Darth Vader vibes this time around.

Combine these Dark Luke images with director Rian Johnson's comments to the New York Times that Luke is the last Jedi, at least when Star Wars: The Last Jedi starts, and we can't help but wonder just how dire and dark things are with Luke after having been isolated on his island for so long. Could whatever Luke is dealing with really have turned him to the Dark Side? After all, even Luke's voiceover in the first trailer for The Last Jedi says that "it's time for the Jedi to end."

With Luke being a central part of the upcoming Star Wars film we're sure to see exactly what Luke's darker appearance means and if he truly has abandoned the Light side. What we do know is that if he's the next Skywalker to fall to the Dark side he at least very convincingly looks the part.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in theaters December 15.

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