Outcast: Walker Stalker Panel Recap

This is the recap for the Outcast panel at Walker Stalker Atlanta.The moderators, including [...]

outcast panel

This is the recap for the Outcast panel at Walker Stalker Atlanta.

The moderators, including Comicbook.com's Brandon Davis, welcome to the stage Reg E. Cathy (Chief Giles), Wrenn Schmidt (Megan), Adam Targum (Executive Producer), And Patrick Fugit (Kyle Barnes).

The cast is asked what it's like playing around with the religious seriousness of the show. Patrick says it's part of what drew him to the show. While it was all about the demons, it was so much more about the characters and development. It's so well written and it hits home when you read through it.

Adam says the show works so well, even if you take away the possession aspect of it. It's so important to root the show in true human experience so you can branch out into the supernatural.

Reg said he heard Kirkman was involved and he was all in. He was hesitant because his character was white in the comic, and had a small part. Kirkman promised that he would hook Reg up, and it was fulfilled. He says there is a need to have something bigger and better than ourselves, and to be frightened, and the show fulfills that.

Wrenn is asked about her character, being possessed at times and not at others. She says she is lucky to have had an opportunity to be a part of this show, and so much history with personal demons is explored throughout the first season. She loves the challenge of having to mind where you are mentally. She liked discovering the change in the character after episode nine.

Her favorite scene was where her character was eating food off of the pavement as she was changing. She loved the challenge of turning evil.

Brandon talks about the new set, and asks about the differences entering into season two.

Adam said the design of the show was to be slow burn. It's supposed to ask a lot of questions, especially in the first season. Hopefully the moment, shifted for folks at the end of the season. Kyle, along with the audience, will get a lot of answers.

Wrenn says every character has bad things coming this season.

Patrick is asked about Kyle's dark turn from such a light role in Almost Famous. He likes playing Kyle because it seems like he's trying to be a good guy, but people aren't quite sure yet if he actually is a good guy. "Is he an asshole? I mean, he beats up a ten-year-old in the first episode."

Patrick said many people mistake him for Elijah Wood or Tobey Macguire when they see him in the street.

A fan asks how they try to make Outcast stand out amongst all of the other shows out there.

Reg says a lot of that's on the writers. He comments that Patrick and Wrenn read the comics, but he just wants the words the writers give him. The exorcism scenes are painful, and that makes things hard. He tells the story of a cow that escaped the set, and everyone made fun of him because he thought it was a deer.

Adam says it's different because they take a different look at possession. Many stories end after the possession ends. With this show, they explore what happens after you lose control and share your body with something else. He said, "That's what's horrifying about possession and that's what sets us apart."

Reg teases season two, talking about how people treat relationships once the possessions take place. He is asked what he is able to impart on the other actors since he's the veteran. He says nothing, because they're so great.

Patrick chimes in and disagrees. He says that having experience like Reg's helps their case. They other actors are on trial, and Reg is the campfire. You join him when you can, to get fresh and warm, and go back to what you were doing.

Wrenn asks for more scenes with Reg, because they're never together.

Patrick responds to a question by a fan regarding Kyle's soul. He talks about Kyle's future is his own, and he isn't sure yet where he lies in this great spiritual battle. His motivation is his family, and everything is a little but irrelevant compared to that.

Reg says that the writer's will throw a curve ball as soon as they start to get a feel for where their characters are at. It's hard to keep up but such a great challenge./

Adam says it's always hard to write a scene and envision it playing out. But to watch these actors pull the scenes off so well, and bring them to life, it's so much better than they ever thought it could be. They throw the curve balls because these actors can handle bringing the extra dimensions to the characters. He says, of all the shows he's done, this has some of the biggest character arcs over the first couple of seasons. Season two will turn up the speed and intensity, and it will ask a lot of questions.

They show an exclusive clip from season two of Giles and Kyle talking together.

The moderators bring out Outcast cupcakes for Patrick's birthday, and the whole audience sings to him.

A fan from South Carolina asks what it's like to film in her state, and Reg says he loves it. The only negative is the lack of mountains around, but its a lovely place to be. He just doesn't like those cows that get out and twerk in the middle of the night.

Wrenn thinks it's great because she's from South Carolina originally. He parents are still right around the corner, and the food is always great. South Carolina doesn't have a lot of film work, but she appreciates how it's expanding.

Brandon asks about the powerful women in season two. Wren says they will be full of bad-ass moments. It's nice to not be the only strong female character on the show. Most other shows, there's only one. She says Rose plays a very big role in season two, as well as a new character entering the fray that will really make an impact.

Reg says it's because the writers have been doing such a great job. Adam agrees, saying it's because women are much stronger in real life.

A fan asks what their favorite scene is that they've filmed so far. Patrick says it's hard to decide because he genuinely loves the majority of the scenes he does, which is rare. He does, however, love the scenes he's gotten to do with his family towards the end of season one. There was a great father-daughter scene that was so fulfilling as an actor to film. He has wanted to see what Kyle what fighting for, and this glimpse of brightness was such a big one for him.

Reg talks about shooting the pilot. He knew no one going in, it was freezing, and it was a little different for him. They really suffered filming that first night, but the actors knew in that moment that they were doing something special. It was going so slow, but none of them were complaining too much because they wanted to make a great scene.

Reg thanks the crowd for coming, and they wrap the panel.