Undertaker and Kane Respond to D-Generation X's Challenge for Crown Jewel

The Undertaker and Kane made a brief appearance on Monday Night Raw this week to respond to a [...]

The Undertaker and Kane made a brief appearance on Monday Night Raw this week to respond to a challenge made by Triple H and Shawn Michaels a week prior.

Following the events of Super Show-Down, Michaels announced on the Oct. 8 episode of Raw that he was coming out of retirement after eight years for a tag team match between D-Generation X and the Brothers of Destruction at the upcoming Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia. The match was made official later that evening.

After recapping the announcement on Raw, a video from a boiler room began playing as The Deadman and Big Red Machine appeared.

"Shawn Michaels may claim he stayed away out of respect for me that he no longer has, but deep down in his black soul Shawn knows that what kept him in the shadows for eight and a half years was nothing but fear," Undertaker said during the video.

"Fear that my brother would make Shawn Michaels feel helpless and worthless again," Kane added. "Fear that my brother would humiliate Shawn Michaels again. Fear that my brother would put Shawn Michaels down again, this time so deep in the ground that Shawn Michaels would never return."

The two then turned their attention to Triple H.

"Triple H may have won a battle in Australia, but he started a war that will begin and end at Crown Jewel," Kane said.

"And when it ends, Triple H can slink back to the comfort of the board room and Shawn Michaels can shuffle back off to the safety of retirement," Undertaker added.

The feud between the four men first kicked off when it was announced Hunter and Undertaker would face off for the "Last Time Ever" in the main event of the Super Show-Down event in Melbourne, Australia. As weeks went by Michaels and Kane got involved in the promos, leading to both men being in their respective partner's corner for the match. Michaels would go on to help Triple H win the match by hitting Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music, and the Brothers of Destruction responded by attacking both men after the match was over.

Crown Jewel is scheduled to take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Nov. 2.