R-Truth Crashes Drake Maverick's Wedding, Becomes 24/7 Champion Again

We once again have a new WWE 24/7 Champion, and this title change happened at one of the craziest [...]

We once again have a new WWE 24/7 Champion, and this title change happened at one of the craziest locales yet.

WWE 24/7 Champion Drake Maverick had just finished his wedding ceremony on Thursday night, with several WWE stars visible in the wedding party and in the crowd. As he walked up the aisle following the service with his bride, a WWE referee appeared.

Maverick looked on in horror that the official had appeared on this day, and out of nowhere R-Truth ran in and rolled him up to capture the title. It should be noted that Maverick was wearing the championship belt during the ceremony, as he has been in recent days at the social gatherings leading up to the wedding.

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Following the title change, Truth ran off with the belt as quick as possible. Maverick told his bride he was sorry and then chased after him as the scene cut.

Check out the video below.

Maverick's new wife, Renee Michelle, appeared less than pleased with what occurred on Thursday night.