New ROH World Champion Crowned at Final Battle

ROH Final Battle delivered a stellar card, and it all came down to the clash for the ROH World Championship. ROH World Champion Chris Jericho was putting his Title on the line against a former ROH Champion Claudio Castagnoli, and there was no love lost between these two. It showed too, as they hit each other with everything they had and pulled out all the stops. Jericho managed to do significant damage to Castagnoli's back, and at several points, it looked like that would cost him any shot at the Title. He was able to stay in it, however, and he shocked Jericho by swinging him around 33 times. That would cause Jericho to tap in mid-swing, giving Claudio the win and the honor of becoming ROH World Champion once again.

Jericho knocked Claudio down and then went running towards the commentary booth, but Claudio caught up with him and threw Jericho into the barricades all along the ring and then the steel steps. Back in the ring Castagnoli slammed Jericho into the turnbuckles but Jericho was able to start locking in the Lion Tamer, though Castagnoli reversed one and hit a Neutralizer into a cover, but Jericho kicked out.

Castagnoli got Jericho up on the top rope and brought him down hard on the mat, and then he lifted the Champ up high and slammed him into the ropes, following it up with a kick that sent Jericho into the barricades. Unfortunately, he missed a move on the outside, hitting the floor. Jericho then slammed him into the post and got back in the ring, and he continued to dish out punishment to Castagnoli, though the challenger hit a huge pop-up uppercut and went for a cover. Jericho kicked out at 2 and Castagnoli connected with elbow strikes, but his back was clearly hurt.

Jericho whipped Castagnoli into the corner and put more pressure on his back with forearms to the chest that bent his back over the turnbuckle. A chop followed and then Jericho hit more strikes to the back of the head, but Castagnoli stopped a hurricanrana and hit a few strikes of his own. Castagnoli then stood up to hit a move but Jericho was able to reverse it and send the challenger flying.

Jericho taunted Castagnoli a bit but an uppercut didn't phase the challenger and he hit a few of his own. He ducked the clothesline and dodged a codebreaker, but Jericho was able to get away from him and knock him over the ropes to the floor. Jericho went for a Triangle Dropkick but Castagnoli hit him with a huge uppercut and knocked him down. Castagnoli couldn't lift Jericho and the Champ took advantage, launching Castagnoli on his back onto the floor. Both stars were struggling to get to their feet a bit at this point, and Jericho hit the challenger with strikes to the head.

Castagnoli hit a big boot to the face of Jericho but he returned the favor. They then both collided with clotheslines and fell to the mat. They exchanged strikes when they got to their feet, but Castagnoli looked to gain momentum with the start of his famous swing. Unfortunately, Jericho countered into the Walls of Jericho, and Castagnoli was dragged back in the center of the ring. Castagnoli managed to get to the ropes and break the hold, though Jericho was annoyed about it and walked right into an uppercut.

The JAS got into the ring and gave Jericho a bat, which he used to club the challenger with, but despite the odds, Claudio was able to kick out of the cover attempt. Then the referee noticed the JAS helping the Champ and he threw them out of the ring and to the back. Jericho was waiting for the challenger to get to his feet, and he was staggering, but he picked up Jericho and hit the swing, swinging him 33 times. That caused Jericho to tap as he made his way around, and Castagnoli is now your new ROH World Champion.

You can find the full updated results for Final Battle below:

ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho (C) vs Claudio Castagnoli

ROH Women's Championship Match: Athena (C) def. Mercedes Martinez

ROH Tag Team Championship (Double Dog Collar Match): The Briscoes (C) def. FTR

ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (C) def. Juice Robinson

ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (C) def. Daniel Garcia

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: The Embassy (C) def. Dalton Castle and The Boys

Swerve In Our Glory def. Shane Taylor Promotions

Blake Christian and AR Fox def. Rush and Dralistico

What have you thought of ROH Final Battle so far? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!