The Usos Continue The Bloodline's Historic Run and Retain WWE Tag Team Titles on SmackDown

WWE's Undisputed Tag Team Championships were on the line to kick off tonight's WWE SmackDown, as they would be challenged by The Brawling Brutes' Sheamus and Butch. Drew McIntyre was initially involved in this battle, but he had to miss the match due to an injury. Butch would step in and right off the bat the Brutes didn't miss a beat. They managed to beat the numbers game of The Bloodline too, but unfortunately, they couldn't quite keep The Usos down, and Sheamus couldn't make it into the ring in time to keep The Usos from pinning Butch and getting the win, continuing their Title reign in the process.

After some initial back and forth by both teams, Butch looked to be the aggressor, hitting Jimmy with double knees, but Jey tagged in and hit Butch with a huge forearm into a cover, though he kicked out. Butch would fight his way out of the corner and take out both Usos, though he ended up on the floor outside thanks to quick thinking on The Usos' part.

Jey tried to keep Butch from tagging Sheamus, and he managed to do just that, slamming Butch into their corner. They hit a backbreaker and then Jimmy leaped off the top rope and connected with a forearm into a cover, but Butch kicked out. Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa were ringside but didn't get involved just yet, and Butch jumped into the ring to try and tag Sheamus but Jimmy kept it from happening. Butch bought himself some space but then Jey got in and pushed Sheamus off the ring apron and cut off another tag.

Sheamus was livid, and Butch then managed to hit a big German Suplex and stunned Jey. Butch and Jey got tags and it was Sheamus vs Jimmy Uso, and Sheamus went on a tear. He clubbed Jimmy and then knocked Jey off the apron, following it up with a backbreaker on Jimmy. He then set up Jimmy for some punches to the chest and Butch joined him by locking in Jey, and they hit 12, though Butch hit 20 and up.

Butch knocked down Jey on the outside and Sheamus kicked out of a cover by Jimmy, but Jimmy then got out of the way of a charging Sheamus, who collided with the post. Sheamus met Jimmy up top and brought him down with a White Noise into a cover, but Jimmy kicked out. Butch hit a Tornado DDT and went for a cover but he kicked out. Jey was back up on his feet and he had Butch propped up on the turnbuckle but Sheamus sent Jey into the barricade. Butch then picked up Jimmy and hit a powerbomb, but Jimmy kicked out of the cover.

Butch tagged in Sheamus and he set up Jimmy for a Razor's Edge, but Jey broke up the pin. Sheamus and Jimmy exchanged strikes and Jey tagged in, and then Zayn tried to get involved but Ridge Holland kept him busy. Sheamus hit a running knee on Jey into a cover but he kicked out at the last minute. Then Holland and Sikoa were going at it at ringside, and Sikoa sent Holland over the barricade. Sheamus charged up to attack Jey but he got hit with a super kick. The tag was made and Butch connected with two attacks but didn't realize Jimmy had snuck in a tag, and they hit the finisher on Butch and got the pin and the win.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!