Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross Trade To SmackDown Revealed During WWE Backstage

WWE revealed what was bill as a 'major trade' during Tuesday night's special preview of WWE [...]

WWE revealed what was bill as a "major trade" during Tuesday night's special preview of WWE Backstage on FS1.

Triple H appeared live via satellite from the WWE Performance Center in Florida. Back in Los Angeles at the FOX Studios, Booker T and Renee Young interviewed him.

Triple H was first asked by Booker T about Bruce Prichard's new role as executive director of SmackDown. He said he didn't know how it came about but portrayed a lot confidence in Prichard for the role, saying he's "already making some big moves" from what he hears.

Triple H then revealed Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross have been traded to SmackDown. What does RAW receive in return? Triple H called it "future considerations" and mentioned possible draft picks. Which draft picks specifically are unknown at this time, though WWE's social media department confirmed that as the storyline rationale for the trade.

Hunter called the trade "a hell of a score" for SmackDown and mentioned Prichard is already making some big moves.

WWE first revealed that a major trade would happen during WWE Backstage via a post on social media on Tuesday afternoon. The announcement revealed that it would be Triple H appearing on Backstage to reveal the trade, obviously a move made to try to pop a bit of a rating for the first edition of the show, advertised as a special preview. The show will begin as a weekly series on November 5th. The broadcast followed the conclusion of game three of the American League Championship Series between the Houston Astros and New York Yankees.