Report: Here's How Much Money WWE Saved by Releasing So Many Wrestlers

WWE released more than 20 active wrestlers, backstage producers, announcers, referees and writers [...]

WWE released more than 20 active wrestlers, backstage producers, announcers, referees and writers on Wednesday as part of what the company described in a press release as a cost-cutting measure. During a press release, WWE officials explained, "The Company's reductions of employee compensation and headcount result in an estimated monthly savings of $4 million along with cash flow improvement of $140 million primarily from the deferral in spending on the Company's new headquarters."

However, as Wrestling Observer Newsletter's Dave Meltzer pointed out via Twitter on Wednesday night, that $4 million figure doesn't just come from all of the people who were let go. That number actually comes out to a little more than $700,000.

Here's a full list of every wrestler who has been released:

  • Rusev
  • Drake Maverick
  • Karl Anderson
  • Luke Gallows
  • EC3
  • Curt Hawkins
  • Heath Slater
  • Eric Young
  • Lio Rush
  • Aiden English
  • Sarah Logan
  • Erick Rowan
  • Primo
  • Epico
  • Mike Kanellis
  • Maria Kanellis
  • Zack Ryder
  • No Way Jose
  • Deonna Purrazzo
  • Aleksandar Jaksic
  • MJ Jenkins
  • Dan Matha
  • Alyssa Marino

One of the most heartbreaking reactions on Wednesday came from Drake Maverick, who posted a tearful video revealing he'd still be competing in the tournament for the interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship.

"I'm like everybody else where I probably didn't take this [the coronavirus pandemic] as seriously as it is at the beginning. But it's affecting peoples lives, people's jobs, affecting the way people make a living," Maverick said. "I'm very fortunate that WWE is still allowing me to compete in the NXT Interim Crusierweight title tournament, but it's very likely that those will be the last matches I ever have.

"There's a lot of people I'm not going to get the chance to say goodbye to that I really loved and I really care about," he added. "They make me a better person. And again, I'm very fortunate that I still get that, other people won't get that. But if these are the last matches I have, I just want everyone watching at home to know you'll have my all. You'll have everything. It's not about a title anymore, it's about my life. It's about feeding my family, paying my bills. So if I don't make an impression, if I don't win, that's it for me."