WWE's Indi Hartwell Overcomes an Injury to Retain NXT Women's Title at Spring Breakin

The main event of tonight's WWE NXT Spring Breakin' was the Triple Threat battle for the WWE NXT Women's Championship, and it ended up being a thrilling and physical match. Indi Hartwell would defend her NXT Women's Championship against Roxanne Perez and Tiffany Stratton, and all three would go on big runs throughout the match. That came to a halt though after Stratton collided with Hartwell and Perez after leaping from the top turnbuckle, as it appeared that Hartwell's leg was pinned underneath Stratton in a painful and awkward way. Medical personnel took Hartwell to the back and for a minute it looked as if she might lose her title without even being in the ring, but she raced back to break up a pin. She was clearly hobbled at this point, but she still managed to pin Perez and retain her Title.

Stratton started off by taunting both competitors and then Hartwell and Perez took turns punching her before all three exchanged covers. All three cautiously locked up and then Hartwell sent Stratton reeling and then threw Perez into the corner. She did the same to Stratton and followed up with a forearm, and then Hartwell picked up Perez with ease and slammed her into the top turnbuckle.

Stratton pulled down the top rope to send the Champ over it and to the floor, and then Perez and Stratton locked up. Stratton threw Perez and then she slammed Perez's face into the mat before kicking her into the corner. Stratton then punched Hartwell to knock her back to the floor before putting pressure on Perez's neck and head. Stratton went for a cover on Perez but Perez kicked out.

Perez reversed a wrist lock but Stratton reversed it but Perez reversed that into a slick submission. Perez drop-kicked Hartwell out of the ring again and then Stratton had a headlock on Perez to halt her momentum. Hartwell finally got back in the ring and hit a double clothesline and then slammed Perez down. Hartwell slammed Stratton down next and then picked up Perez again.

Perez countered and rolled through for a cover but Hartwell kicked out. Perez hit a flurry of punches to the Champion and a chop, and then Perez had both Stratton and Hartwell linked and threw them down after leaping off the ropes. Perez tackled Hartwell and then threw out Stratton, and Perez went after Hartwell, connecting with a dive through the ropes. She rolled back in and hit a dive on Stratton, slamming her against the announce table.

Perez then went for another dive, colliding with Hartwell and knocking her back to the floor. Perez went up top and hit a crossbody on Hartwell and then went for a cover, but Hartwell kicked out. Perez kept Stratton out of the ring and then locked Hartwell into a submission but Hartwell picked her up only to get almost pinned by an inside cradle. Hartwell threw Perez down and then kept covering her head as she hit Perez with a clothesline. Perez tried to pin Hartwell again but Stratton came in and dropkicked Perez to the mat. Hartwell caught Stratton and went for a cover but Stratton kicked out.

Stratton kicked Hartwell out of the ring and then went up top and collided with both stars, knocking them to the floor.  At this point Hartwell had medical personnel looking at her and she might have hurt her ankle. Stratton and Perez were in the ring and dueling for a minute, and Stratton tried to pin Perez but Perez kicked out. Stratton locked down Perez with a hold but Perez escaped and they exchanged punches and kicks. 

Perez hit Stratton with a back elbow and then a kick to the face, and then she hit a flurry of chops and punches on Stratton in the corner. She caught Stratton's punch and went up top, but Stratton caught her cross body and put Perez on her back. Perez countered and rolled her up but Stratton kicked out. Perez lifted her up top and then hit her with chops before going for a huge move and a cover, but Stratton kicked out.

Stratton went to pick up Perez but she reversed it and slammed Stratton down and then Hartwell ran in and broke up the cover. Hartwell covered Stratton but she kicked out, and then Hartwell covered Perez but she kicked out. Hartwell was limping and then kicked Perez and Stratton. Hartwell slammed Stratton down and went for a cover, but Stratton kicked out. Stratton slammed Perez down and then hit the moonsault on Perez into a cover, but Hartwell pulled Stratton out onto the floor. Hartwell connected with a forearm on Perez and got the cover and the win.

Hopefully, Hartwell is okay and will recover soon, and we'll have to wait and see what awaits Perez and Stratton after the loss.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!