Paul Rudd Doesn't Take It Well When Fans Pick Iron Man Over Captain America

Loss of dignity, pride, and a shocking lack of values are all things that one should feel for [...]

Paul Rudd Cap

Loss of dignity, pride, and a shocking lack of values are all things that one should feel for picking #TeamIronMan in Captain America: Civil War. Those, however, have nothing on the sheer disgust that Ant-Man actor Paul Rudd will have for you via Twitter.

In the big promotional push for Civil War, if you've selected either #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan you will get one of a variety of responses, but Paul Rudd has made his personal, and they're priceless. Those include him telling Ian and Vanessa that "they are now dead to him", as well as asking Nate "how many other horrible decisions he's made in his life." His answer, "probably a lot."

You can see a few of the responses below, and some others here. If you happen to love #TeamCap though, "you just might be his favorite person on the internet."

Captain America: Civil War opens on May 6th.
