The Division Free Clear Sky DLC Trailer Released

The second free DLC update to The Division hits consoles on May 24, 2016, and has a boatload of [...]

The second free DLC update to The Division hits consoles on May 24, 2016, and has a boatload of new content for the persistent massively multiplayer online shooter. The game that puts you in an elite squad seeking to save NYC after a devastating virus gets bigger with the new "Clear Sky" incursion and more.

(Photo: Ubisoft)

"The Fight to save New York continues with the second major free update that introduces a new Incursion called Clear Sky, all new gear sets, weapons and loot, mission to take down enemy leaders, and extractions just got a whole lot more interesting with the Hijack feature," the press release says.

Check out the trailer above to see what's new in The Division come next week, and get your fireteam ready for some fresh gameplay.