Turning Red Director and Producer Tease Potential Sequel (Exclusive)

Turning Red finally makes its debut on Disney+ this weekend, bringing the latest original blockbuster film from Pixar straight to the streaming service. The adorable animated comedy, which examines the trials and tribulations of becoming a teenager through the lens of morphing into a giant panda, has already become a hit with critics, and it is sure to gain an audience once it is released to the masses. Of course, that naturally begs the question of whether or not the film could get a sequel or spinoff, as has happened many times with Pixar's films over the years, and most recently with Disney+ continuations of Pixar movies Luca, Up, and Monsters, Inc. While speaking to ComicBook.com ahead of Turning Red's debut, director and co-writer Domee Shi and producer Lindsey Collins addressed the possibility of a continuation.

"We are open, but we haven't talked about it," Shi explained. "But yeah, it's an invitation at the end for more stories."

"Hopefully, at the end of a movie, you've fallen so in love with the characters that you have a hard time letting them go," Collins echoed. "I mean, as the filmmakers, not even as the audience, I feel that way. I love these characters. I never got tired of them. I was always like, 'I'd go hang out with those characters again.' I want to see what they're up to. So, yeah. Who knows?"

Turning Red introduces Mei Lee (voice of Rosalie Chiang), a confident, dorky 13-year-old torn between staying her mother's dutiful daughter and the chaos of adolescence. Her protective, if not slightly overbearing mother, Ming (voice of Sandra Oh), is never far from her daughter-an unfortunate reality for the teenager. And as if changes to her interests, relationships and body weren't enough, whenever she gets too excited (which is practically ALWAYS), she "poofs" into a giant red panda.

The cast of the film also includes Ava Morse, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Hyein Park, Orion Lee, Wai Ching Ho, James Hong, Tristan Allerick Chen, Jordan Fisher, Josh Levi, Topher Ngo, Finneas O'Connell, and Grayson Villanueva.

Turning Red will be released on Disney+ on Friday, March 11th. If you haven't signed up for Disney+ yet, you can try it out here