'Borderlands 3' Has Over One Billion Guns

Today, after what felt like years and years of painful teasing and leaks, Gearbox finally unveiled [...]

Today, after what felt like years and years of painful teasing and leaks, Gearbox finally unveiled Borderlands 3 to the world with a promising trailer full of personality and the Borderlands style that gamers fell in love with last-generation. To say Borderlands fans are hyped, would be an understatement. That said, while Gearbox provided a meaty trailer that shows off plenty of the game, it didn't really divulge any additional salient details. There's no word on platforms, though you'd presume the game is coming to this-gen systems, and potentially next-gen systems as well. There's no word of a release date. And there's no details on the game. Well, there's some.

According to Gearbox, well more specifically according to the announcement trailer, Borderlands 3 will have over one million guns. I'm sorry, I mean 100 million. Wait, no, the trailer says the game will have over one billion guns. That's right, one followed by nine zeros. Over one billion. Of course, this won't be one billion unique guns, but one billion permutations. As you will know, Borderlands is all about loot and gun customization, and apparently there will be a lot of it this time around.

In Borderlands 2 there was about 17 million different guns you could create. Now, I don't know how good at math you're, but 17 million is a lot, lot, less than one billion. One billion sounds crazy, but apparently that's how many combinations you'll be able to create. If this is the case, then other looter-shooters are about to look pretty silly.

As mentioned earlier in the article, Borderlands 3 is currently pretty light on details, but that will be changing soon, as Gearbox has promised more information next month. Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Will Borderlands 3 actually have over one billion guns?


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