Detective Pikachu Writer Wants Jigglypuff Sequel Styled After American Idol

Detective Pikachu is finally in theaters, and so far, its reception has been pretty warm. Further, [...]

Detective Pikachu is finally in theaters, and so far, its reception has been pretty warm. Further, it's off to a strong box office start. And its success begs the question: what's next? Well, apparently the movie's writers aren't currently working on anything, but that doesn't mean they don't have a few ideas they would like to see, including some pretty outlandish ones. Apparently writers on the movie, Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit, want to make a spin-off movie starring Jigglypuff styled after shows like American Idol and A Star is Born. And with Oren Uziel likely to be writing Detective Pikachu's sequel, the pair may have the opportunity to make their idea a reality. Probably not, but we can dream.

Speaking to Screen Rant, the aforementioned Hernandez revealed that he'd love to make Jigglypuff the star with its own Eurovision-style movie that explored the Pokemon's singing career.

"We love Jigglypuff. I like the weird Pokemon that really want something, and just by their nature, Jigglypuff can never achieve that," said Hernandez.

The writer pointed out that for the Pokemon the issue is that it always puts everyone to sleep with its singing, and that would be the crutch of the story, because it stops it from having a singing career.

Of course, this isn't a serious idea, but I'm sure the pair would love to make it if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, I doubt that opportunity will ever be extended.

Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there. What spin-off live-action Pokemon movie would you like to see?


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