Did You Realize How NSFW Nappa Was In 'Dragon Ball Z'?

Nappa is one of the most popular characters in the Dragon Ball world but no because he was strong, [...]

Nappa is one of the most popular characters in the Dragon Ball world but no because he was strong, not because he was cool and not even because he has been around for a long time, actually he dies very early on. The real reason why Nappa is one of the most popular characters in the Dragon Ball Universe is because of Dragon Ball Z Abridged, the famous Dragon Ball parody made by YouTuber's Team Four Star. What they created was comic genius, with no fan who has seen Dragon Ball Z Abridged ever being able to look at Nappa the same way again.

Yes, Nappa became very popular almost 15 years after the first hit our screens, however, there are a number of things that most fans don't know about the real Nappa. One thing that many fans don't know about Nappa is that he was the most censored character in the original dub. When Nappa first arrived on earth, the Saiyan's threatened to massacre everyone on the little blue planet in revenge for the loss of Raditz and for the Dragon Balls.

Both Vegeta and Nappa were responsible for many deaths before they took on the Z-Fighter while waiting for Goku to arrive. According to Screen Rant, Nappa was censored the most out of any character during that time or at any point of time later on. The examples include when Nappa blew up the city, in the dub Vegeta claims that the city was empty, while apparently, the journalists that Nappa blows up are just "Cargo Robots" and have apparently still parachuted to safety.

(Photo: Toei Animation)

In addition, Chiaotzu's sacrifice was instead just an attempt to send Nappa to another dimension, instead of taking the evil Saiyan out with him. Also, when Nappa kills Piccolo and cuts off Tien's arm, a few different things appear. Apparently, Tien can grow back his arm in the English dub and Piccolo's dead body just magically disappears. However, there is more, during the entire battle, there are also lines from Nappa implying that he wasn't really harming anyone. Yes, the Nappa in Dragon Ball Z Abridged was hilairious, however, the Nappa in Dragon Ball Z was too ruthless that he has to be censored in the English dub.