Berserk Meets Delicious in Dungeon in Unsettling New Crossover

You've never quite seen the Band of the Hawk like this as two anime franchises fuse.

A medieval fantasy setting is nothing new for the anime medium, and while both Delicious In Dungeon and Berserk share said setting, the two franchises couldn't be any less similar. Berserk is routinely thought of as one of the darkest, most depressing anime stories in recorded history while Delicious in Dungeon takes a more laid back approach to its dungeon crawling. In a twist of fate, one fan artist has taken the opportunity to create a beautiful fusion of what Guts and his comrades might look like in the world of Laios and company.

Aside from their stories being wildly different from one another, Berserk and Delicious in Dungeon also have varying anime and manga statuses. While the story of Guts and the Band of the Hawk continues in its manga, there is no current anime adaptation running for the prolific series. On the flip side, Delicious in Dungeon's manga came to an end last year while its anime is just getting started thanks to Studio TRIGGER and Netflix. Outside of the art featured below, we highly doubt that we'll be seeing an official crossover between the two very different worlds.

Delicious in Berserk

If you haven't had the chance to catch one of the biggest recent anime releases, Delicious in Dungeon can currently be streamed on Netflix. Here's how the streaming service describes the series, "Delicious in Dungeon. That is, 'to eat', or 'to be eaten' ――― Within the depths of the dungeon, his younger sister was eaten by a Red Dragon – and adventurer Laios barely made it back to the surface with his life. He attempts the dungeon again, but money and food are deep within its bowels… Faced with the critical situation where his sister may be digested at any moment, Laios decides: 'Food shall be self-providing from within the dungeon!' Slimes, basilisks, mimics and even dragons! While eating those that attack you, aim to traverse the dungeons, adventurer!"

You can catch the Berserk: Memorial Edition series on Crunchyroll, with the online store for the streaming service also offering anime fans the chance to pick up the original '97 anime series on Blu-Ray. 

Looking for more updates on medieval anime franchises? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for all the latest updates on the worlds of Laios and Guts and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the Band of the Hawk.