Junji Ito’s Uzumaki anime adaptation is set to arrive later this year thanks to the creative minds at Adult Swim and Production IG, but before we see the arrival of this story revolving around a cursed town inflicted with an obsession with spirals, one fan has tested their artistic ability by taking the horrific style and applying it to the world of Pulp Fiction. Though Pulp Fiction is hardly a horror movie, it remains one of the most recognizable movies of the past few decades thanks to its eccentric cast and the work of director Quentin Tarantino!
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Uma Thurman’s character in Pulp Fiction was featured front and center on the marketing material for the film that was released in 1994 and this artwork does an amazing job of imagining what she would look like under the pen of Junji Ito. Ito himself isn’t just known for Uzumaki, but has spent countless years of his career taking manga fans into a number of terrifying worlds via short manga stories and long-form tales that have become known as some of the most terrifying examples of horror in the world of manga. Though we don’t foresee Ito ever depicting a work from director Quentin Tarantino, seeing a collaboration between these two would turn a lot of heads in the world of entertainment!
Reddit User Cherry Lilly 99 shared this amazing artwork that combines the world of Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction with the style of the horror mangaka known as Junji Ito, who continues to make waves in both the worlds of anime and manga thanks to his creepy, spine-tingling tales:
Though Uzumaki is Junji Ito’s big adaptation arriving this year, the creator was originally set to have a live-action series made of one of his most popular works in Tomie. Originally slated to be released on the experimental streaming service known as Quibi, the platform shuttered its doors last year, and with it, the hopes of this original adaptation fell to the wayside alongside it. Though Tomie might be dead now, we definitely wouldn’t be surprised to see it receive another adaptation in the future.
What do you think of this amazing fusion between creators Junji Ito and Quentin Tarantino? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Junji Ito’s terrifying tales!