As the battle against Kaido’s forces reaches its climax in the third act of One Piece‘s Wano Country arc, Luffy and the rebel forces have made their way into Onigashima at last. This means that they will soon come face to face with all of the powerful opponents gathering at Kaido’s island for their big party. All of Kaido’s forces are finally being revealed in full, and this includes several of the headliners that have yet to be revealed throughout the rest of the arc. This is the Tobi Roppo, the six strongest members of the Beasts Pirates.
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Outside of the three Lead Performers (who have all demonstrated their strength in various ways throughout the arc thus far), the Tobi Roppo have been treated as a separate faction even amongst the Beasts Pirates. Chapter 978 introduces us to this mysterious and off beat crew, and it’s clear that they are going to be a force to be reckoned with.
Read on for a breakdown of the Tobi Roppo, and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Which one of them is your favorite out of the bunch? Where does Kaido’s son factor into all of this? You can also talk to me directly about all things anime and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
X Drake

Before Chapter 978 of the series, X. Drake was one of the few members of the Tobi Roppo we had actually seen in action. The pirate had already made a name for himself as part of the Worst Generation, so it was quite a surprise to see that he was a member of Kaido’s Headliners — and one of the strongest in those ranks to boot. Not only that, a previous chapter of the series revealed that X. Drake was actually working alongside the Marines and is feeding them information about Kaido from Wano.ย
Page One

Like X. Drake, Page One is one of the members we have already seen in action. After attacking Sanji during the second act of the series as he was tending his udon cart, Page One revealed that he too had a Devil Fruit that transformed him into a dinosaur. Although he was defeated by Soba Mask the first time around, he’ll be much more dangerous and looking for something to make up for that loss during this war. Especially in front of one of the other members who seems very close to him, Ulti.ย

Out of all the newly revealed members, Ulti has made the strongest impression out of the group. It’s not quite clear what he power set is just yet, but she’s not afraid to speak her mind. With a connection to Page One (that hopefully means the two of them will fight together when the battle finally breaks out), she defends him in front of the others. Ulti also has no problem speaking out against her superiors Queen and Kaido either, so it’s clear that she has a ton of confidence in her own strength.ย

Sasaki also has an unclear power set, but he appears to be a Fishman as well. This will make him a fine opponent for the newly added Jimbei to the crew, and it’s clear that Sasaki has his eye on power as well. But in a different way as when the Tobi Roppo begin discussing who would take over for Queen, he is one of the first to speak up and already take his fellow Tobi Roppo members out of the running.ย
Black Maria

Black Maria’s power set is also unknown at this point, but she’s already standing out from the others thanks to her giant size. Her attire makes it seem like she has dominion over Komurasaki and the other Oiran, but it will be interesting to see what her true role in the Tobi Roppo is throughout Wano. Imagine how Sanji’s going to react seeing someone like Black Maria for the first time? He has a weakness for giant women. As for who she’ll be fighting, Usopp and Chopper would make for a fun duo.ย

Like the other Tobi Roppo members, Who’s-Who strength is currently unclear at this point, but there’s already a major clue as to how he fights. He’s the only member with a katana at his side, which means we’ll probably see him squaring off against Zoro or members of the Akazaya Nine as the battle breaks out. He also seems to be one of the more ruthless as he begins suggests taking Queen out of the Lead Performers so that one of their group can take their place.