In the world of anime, few names are known better than Miyazaki. For decades now, Hayao Miyazaki has stood as one of animation’s greatest visionaries, and their tenure with Studio Ghibli is far from over. The man’s legacy lives on in his own work as well as the work from Goro Miyazaki, his son. As of late, Goro Miyazaki has taken up press for his father in the wake of The Boy and the Heron’s historic Academy Award victory, and now he is teasing what is next for Hayao Miyazaki.
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Recently, Goro Miyazaki spoke with press such as Oricon in Japan about his father’s legacy ahead of an exhibition’s opening. The Ghibli Museum is gearing up a special exhibit dedicated to The Boy and the Heron. While reflecting on the recent movie, Goro Miyazaki touched upon his father’s future in film, and he teased what we can expect from the legend’s next project.
“I’d tell him, ‘Make some for future projects. Only making them for your past stuff is boring.’ He’s making some now though.” Goro explained. “I don’t know if it’ll actually be for his next film, but it’s looking like an action-adventure-type movie, nostalgic and reminiscent of the old days.”
Clearly, Goro Miyazaki has big expectations for his father’s next film, and its tone follows what we would expect from the director. Hayao Miyazaki is a masterful storyteller, and he often dabbles with nostalgia. All of his works harken to a past era while somehow feeling incredibly modern. It appears this trend will carry on with Hayao Miyazaki’s next film, but beyond that, fans don’t know what to expect from the project. Studio Ghibli is being hush-hush about the project as you can understand. And as of right now, Miyazaki is relaxing as the director spent seven years working on The Boy and the Heron.
What do you think about this latest update on Miyazaki’s future film? Have you seen The Boy and the Heron yet? Let us know what you think over on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!