Why Are We Still So Obsessed With Watchmen?
Watchmen is an indelible part of comics fandom but why are still obsessed with it?
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I Think Alan Moore Was Right About the V for Vendetta Movie
Alan Moore was right about the V for Vendetta movie and his rationale makes a lot of sense.
I Think Alan Moore Was Right About Superheroes
Alan Moore believes that superheroes are inherently fascist, and he’s not wrong.
Alan Moore’s Unpublished Masterpiece is DC’s Biggest Missed Opportunity
In 1987, Alan Moore was about to change the comic book industry with a story that is DC’s biggest missed opportunity — Twilight of the Superheroes.
Alan Moore’s Last Comic to Be Published in 2024
Snakes and magic? Well, that does feel like it’s pretty on-brand for Moore. -
Watchmen Creator Alan Moore Says He Asked DC to Send His Royalty Checks to Black Lives Matter
Moore says he wants all money from any future films or TV series based on his work to go to Black Lives Matter. -
New Watchmen Movie Announced
DC Studios announces a new animated Watchmen movie at San Diego Comic-Con