
Avengers: Age of Ultron’s Don Cheadle to Have “Key” Role

Perhaps confirming what many have suspected–that they’re beginning to look past the Robert […]

Perhaps confirming what many have suspected–that they’re beginning to look past the Robert Downey, Jr. era of Iron Man movies–HitFix reports that Don Cheadle’s Iron Patriot will play a “key” role in Marvel’s upcoming sequel Avengers: Age of Ultron.”Col. Rhodes, aka War Machine, has a key role in the conflict with Ultron that is the main focus of the sequel,” the site wrote yesterday, hours after news broke that Cheadle would appear in the film.That’s not a lot of information, but it’s more than we previously had, which was just that Cheadle would appear in the movie. We speculated at the time that it could mean anything from War Machine/Iron Patriot taking on a major role in the conflict all the way down to a brief cameo, as Gwyneth Paltrow’s Pepper Potts had in The Avengers. Assuming HitFix really does know something specific, it sounds like War Machine will be playing a part in the movie’s Ultron-driven A-plot and potentially joining in the fight.