We previously reported that Hugh Jackman would like to see Wolverine fight the Hulk in Avengers. In an interview with Numbers Don’t Lie, the actor was asked to follow up on those comments.”I don’t even know if it’s possible,” Jackman said. “It probably isn’t, but for me one of the great things about the comic book world is that if an artist goes, ‘let’s put the Hulk vs. Batman, and we’ll throw Wolverine in,’ it happensโฆOne of the fun things is ‘Who would win? Batman-Superman. Who would win? Wolverine-Iron Man.’”Of course, things are a lot simpler in the comic book world where Wolverine and the Avengers are controlled by the same company and can run into each other as often as they like. Conversely, the film rights to Wolverine and the Avengers are controlled by two separate studios, 20th Century Fox and Marvel Studios, respectively. There’s also the fact that a lot more money is invested into Hollywood blockbuster productions, meaning there’s a lot more red tape to go through and a lot more risk for everyone involved. Even in the comic book industry itself, with increased corporatization, there hasn’t been a crossover between the “big two” superhero publishers, Marvel and DC, in about a decade.X-Men: Days of Future Past opens May 23.
Hugh Jackman Talks Some More About Wolverine Joining The Avengers
We previously reported that Hugh Jackman would like to see Wolverine fight the Hulk in Avengers. […]