
The Dark Knight Rises: 5 Reasons It Could Start a DC Movie Universe

With the success of The Avengers, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before DC Entertainment […]

With the success of The Avengers, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before DC Entertainment gets their act together and gets a cinematic universe of its own moving. So far, all they’ve got in the theaters is the Christopher Nolan Bat-universe, which doesn’t particularly lend itself to having a lot of guys in tights running around, along with the disappointing Green Lantern film and Zack Snyder’s upcoming Man of Steel.Even though it seems, on the face of it, as though The Dark Knight Rises may not be the ideal place from which to launch a superhero universe, we’ve got some ideas on how it could work, and why it might happen. read on for more…!5. Death and rebirth. Fall and rise.When a character falls, his rise is all the more inspirational–but generally the tradition has it that a character will rise above even where he was before the fall. This is why Lance Armstrong’s post-cancer run of Tour de France victories so inspired people. And what could personify such a meteoric rise better than Batman’s influence expanding beyond Gotham and inspiring a generation of heroes around the world?Setting up something like Batman, Incorporated is totally within the sphere of Nolan’s Batman universe, using the fear and inspiration behind the icon of the Bat as a rallying point–and, of course, once there’s a group of costumed vigilantes out there, it could open the door for more.

3. Escaped convicts

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